Protect America Security 

Studies show that crime rates, particularly the numbers of robbery cases has drastically increased over the past few years. Due to this, home owners are asked to take necessary steps and measures to protect their home. It’s impractical to rely mainly on the federal government since they are also quite busy with protecting the country’s welfare. In addition to that, there are many houses in your city, how can you expect that those police officers will focus on your house alone? Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you take actions. After all, your home is your own responsibility thus you need to protect it in any way you can.

When it comes to protecting your home, you should consider seeking the service of Protect America Security. This is a company focused on installing safety and security equipment inside your home. For over 20 years now, Protect America has been able to served more than 375, 000 families. The company was first founded in Texas in 1992. The good thing with Protect America Security is the fact that they are affordable because they offer different home security packages; 5 packages actually namely:

·         Copper package

·         Bronze package

·         Silver package

·         Gold package

·         Platinum package

These five packages has different features and requires different prices too; platinum being the most expensive that cost $42.99 every month. Protect America has an alarm features that allows you to cancel a signal sent to Protect America monitoring facility. All you have to do is to input the four digit code. If you enter the wrong code, Protect America will call your home; and ask if it was an emergency case or not. When you use the service of Protect America Security, you can be sure that your home is protected 24/7. Get the company’s service today and feel more comfortable inside your home. 

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